Review of SKT in Karlsruhe

May 13, 2024 by Stephan Strittmatter3 minutes

Review of SKT in Karlsruhe

Report on our booth at the South German Church Day of the New Apostolic Church in Karlsruhe

At the South German Church Day of the New Apostolic Church, we had the opportunity to present our open-source solution Hai-End Streaming to a wide audience. Many interested visitors took the chance to look behind the scenes and discover what will soon be possible in their own congregations - all based on the open-source solution Hai-End Streaming!

The Mark II to touch! Many visitors to our booth were enthusiastic about the future streaming solution that their congregations in the South German District Apostle Area will receive.

We were able to answer numerous questions and alleviate concerns:

  • Can we even operate it? Do we need specialists for this?
  • What happens to the existing equipment we use for streaming?
  • How does the transmission of a service work?
  • Can we then also receive transmission services in the church?

There were also specific problems to solve, for example when access to IPTV didn’t work correctly.

An Exciting Summer 2024

With the kickoff of SKT 2024 from May 10-12, an exciting summer begins for Hai-End Streaming! All congregations in the South German District Apostle Area (over 600) will be equipped with a Mark II and a PTZ camera (a camera that can be remotely panned, tilted, and zoomed) over the course of the summer.

Hai-End Streaming: Mark II

Volunteer Work Enables Livestreams

This is made possible by the tireless efforts of our volunteers, whose work was also showcased to the SKT audience:

  • Supporters who ensure in the background that the services are streamed as smoothly as possible.
  • Developers who implement new functionalities, make improvements, and fix bugs.
  • Translators who make the application accessible internationally.

By the way, if you would like to help, we welcome every contribution: Join us!

Thank You

A big thank you goes to the organizer, the New Apostolic Church South Germany, and especially to Ralph and Matthias, who made it possible for us to be present with a booth and technology. Without their professional help, it would not have been possible for us to demonstrate live at the booth how the streaming works!

Some of the volunteer team members were so dedicated that they left the booth only to sleep and eat - many heartfelt thanks to each one for what they contributed on-site and in preparation!


The great interest on the first day clearly showed how important our presence at the SKT was. The planned staffing with two people was hardly sufficient. We were able to answer many questions, alleviate many concerns, and also gather valuable feedback.

We are especially pleased about the first people who signed up to support our team! If you have also become curious: Join us! 😀


SKT Stand 1 SKT Stand 2 SKT Stand 4 SKT Stand 5 SKT Stand 6

Pictures: private