
Version 1.0

  • Code
    • refactoring
    • Gstreamer error handling
    • use new vue.js admin panel
    • Show (error) messages on admin panel
  • Misc
    • User short documentation linked to this website
    • User documentation on this website

Version 2.0

  • Server
    • Debian Packages and better CI
    • Test Cases
    • Rollout Protocol
    • Implement VoIP Client to send audio streams to POTS
    • Support JPEG (and maybe other formats) in the overlay generator
    • Display status on splash (will be reused for mini status display)
  • Monitoring
    • Expand our prometheus/grafana monitoring setup
    • Public release the config
  • User Communications
    • Implement some channels that users can report bugs or maybe add a user’s forum

Version 3.0

  • Server
    • Implement SRT(/RTMP) Input
    • HTTPS on local clients (via salt and DNS challenge)
    • Support different hym books
    • Support push buttons
    • Support status display (use splash screen)
  • PI
    • Save logs on manual reboot
    • Implement push button support
    • Implement mini status display
  • Saltstack
    • Public release saltstack description to run large scale setup

Version 4.0

  • Server
    • Implement Second HDMI Input
    • Implement Video overlay (upload videos)

Hardware and Case

The hardware and 19’’ case evaluation is independent of the software development. Since our Mark I hardware based on the RPI is fully functional and already used in production, we currently focus on the Mark II, a 19" case housing the RPI and have some nice quality of life features like a display and buttons.

Our more advanced hardware, the Mark III, will be planned in the future.